‘Adventuring with God’: Hiking with Rach & Mim, part 1.
The first part of the title is something we like to say at Ocean Church (OC), but what does that actually look like?
Ok, so it could mean many things! However if you know me, you know I like to keep things simple. So for me ‘adventuring with God’ is literally going on adventures, (and we are told that God is always present, so therefore…) with God.
The dictionary definition of adventure is: an unusual, exciting, and possibly dangerous activity, such as a trip or experience, or the excitement produced by such an activity. The hikes I have done with other members of OC are definitely adventures!
How did it start? Well John in his usual way was asking us about 18 months ago, to come forward with things we enjoy doing, that could be incorporated into the activities and habits of OC. I mentioned (in my usual way of always having something to add) that I loved walking, especially by the coast.
Earlier that year in training to climb Mount Snowden, I had spent quite a bit of time on the ups and downs of the Jurassic coast with friends and fell in love with it. The scenery, the exercise, the fresh air, being away from cars, concrete and ‘busy’ people, was so good for my soul, especially being by the sea.
Hearing its amazing roars, watching the sun sparkle and dance on the surface, seeing the line where the sky meets the sea (….and it calls me 🎶), following fast and slow streams that meet the sea and all the time being in awe of the mysteries and life that go on under the surface.
I didn’t want this ‘training’ to stop, even though I had completed the Snowden challenge (maybe more to come on that another time).
I can’t remember how it was arranged, but one day me and Mim did my favourite walk of Lulworth to Durdle Door and then back for ice cream. That adventure sparked something special for us both.
We realised we didn’t really know each other that well between the small talk and deep spiritual discussions at OC. Also, our kids (Dylan, Jake and Tilly) obviously knew each other, but hadn’t spent any time actually together. Our families getting to know each other in so many ways has been the biggest blessing of all.
That first trip set the tone for all the rest and we laugh so much when we tell others about it… we met in the car park, I change into my hiking boots and make sure I’ve got what we need in my hiking back pack….Mim and boys just hang around waiting for me in their Nike trainers and no stuff. Seriously….no stuff!
It still panics me now. Even though I’m an extreme extrovert (you may remember from that exercise we did at OC once, where we all lined up) I get my energy from being with others and spontaneous. Somehow though I have to pack for everything! ‘Just in case’ seems to be my motto (and Marc’s nemesis).
So we walk and very swiftly it is apparent that Tilly matches Dylan and Jake’s level of energy, curiosity and craziness. They complain the walk is long one moment and have no energy, and the next they’ve created a game which has them running back n forth on themselves while us parents are just aiming one foot forward.
It’s not long till the kids are hungry and thirsty, so we share out what I’ve got in my bag. We get to durdle door and the kids want to go down- ok cool, but we warn them we will need to come back up again- they agree that’s fine. We are close to the sea- they want to go in- I pull out costumes for me & Tilly and we have one spare pair of shorts. One of the boys nab them and the other goes in pants. It was awesome! So clear and fresh! I’ve never actually swam near the Door, despite it being one of my favourite spots. The water got deep pretty quick and the waves were rather strong, as I was the only adult in the water we kept it short and didn’t go too far out.
We dried off with the two towels I had bought and climbed back up- me and Mim using the stairs, the kids via their own route up the cliff edge. My first aid kit came in handy, as one of them had a graze on their leg. Then they were hungry and we didn’t have enough food to satisfy them all, so we got hot dogs- over priced hot dogs! (We learnt our lesson that day).
Then came some roley-poley-ing down hills and crazy ‘dares’ that got us back to the beginning. As promised, we went for ice cream, Jake was delighted as the place on the corner is ‘Jake’s ice cream’- the little entrepreneurs that they were, the boys had once spent their pocket money on buying drinks from Macro, cooling them and then selling them for a profit at the beach! Jake said this was his dream and wanted to meet the Jake of ‘Jake’s ice cream’. We found out that ‘Jake’ was actually the ladies dog who had passed away a few years ago.
We took a stroll down to Lulworth cove while eating said ice cream (can highly recommend) Me and Mim sat on a rock, the kids played in the long grass on the hill behind us, we could hear them giggling….until we couldn’t!
We eventually found them further along the shore, and around the corner by a cave! They were totally unaware of the dangers (and trouble) they were in. They had just got caught up exploring new land, Gods’ creation, the beauty and wonders of where we were.
So by the end we were exhausted, Jake had a new life dream, Mim was un-prepared, we spent too much on hot dogs, we swam in new waters, there was a grazed leg and we’d lost the kids. But somehow we all agreed what an amazing time we had. This was in the summer of 2023.
Early 2024 the Goods told us of their aim to walk the south coastal path, and were hoping to do the first part- studland to Weymouth this year. They asked “would we like to join them on ‘some’ of the walks?” They have a book that details the routes, and a map they can highlight as they go. “Yeah sure, sounds fun”.
That first walk was the beginning of getting to know each other, almost a ‘first date’, are you the type of people we like to be around? And then once past that, it becomes ‘do life together’.
We’ve learnt of each other’s childhoods, early days of family life, how life is now, where there have been hard times and good and how God has been there along the way. What challenges we are facing right now and how we can pray for each other. We can see the beauty in each other’s kids’, what makes their personalities so special and help to speak into their lives in positive ways.
We don’t manage to meet up much between walks, but the walks have made our friendship deep and real, which is how I think Jesus did life. He walked a lot with his disciples, talking, telling stories, having fun and over coming challenges along the way. Everyday life is busy, so for me, these walks are our little slice of heaven, walking with friends as Jesus did, and out in nature- Gods beautiful creation.
Love Racheal x