
We have a dream for Ocean Church, and we think God has given us some big, exciting work to do. It’s simple, it’s inspiring, and it’s going to take a while. 


Our vision is this: to make church a living, breathing adventure.


When I was a kid, my parents told me that church wasn’t a building—it was the people. But let’s be honest: when most of us hear the word “church,” we still think of a building, some chairs, a talk, and maybe a few songs. Even after years of ministry, I catch myself doing it too. But what if church didn’t have to look like that? What if it didn’t have to happen in a building or even on a Sunday? What if church could be less like school and more like an adventure—something we live, explore, and experience together?


Here’s what I believe: God is the ultimate adventurer. He created the world and then stepped right into it as Jesus. That was risky, new, and full of possibilities. The Bible even calls Jesus the “pioneer” of our faith. He was the first to journey through death and come out the other side, blazing a trail for us to follow. When Jesus called his disciples, he didn’t just sit them in a classroom. He took them on an adventure. They followed him through cities, across lakes, into deserts, and up mountains. He sent them out to do the same. That’s what he’s asking us to do too.


The Bible tells us we can see God in the world around us. In Romans, it says: 

“Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being.” (Romans 1:20, MSG). 


I grew up believing that the main way to understand God was through reading the Bible. And while that’s true—(it’s the authority for how I want to live my life)—I’ve come to realize it’s not the whole picture. Limiting God to the pages of the Bible feels a bit like saying He only works within the walls of a church. What I’ve discovered is that the Bible itself invites us to look further, to see God at work in the world He created with his words as well as the ones that got written down.


The Oyster Catchers by the shore, the gentle flow of the River Stour, the black tongue fungi hidden in the woods—each of them whispers something about who God is and what He’s up to. They’re part of His great story, waiting to be noticed, if we’re willing to stop and take a second, deeper look.


Ocean Church is becoming a community of adventurers. We don’t just sit and listen—we hike, paddle, camp, and explore together. Adventure means trying something new, stepping into the unknown, and being ready for surprises. But it also means being prepared—packing well, knowing the route, and helping each other along the way. Here’s the amazing part: many of you are already doing this! You’re sea swimmers, wild campers, hikers, surfers, and mountain bikers. We’re not asking you to add more to your busy life. Instead, we’re asking this: 


How might God be using my adventures to display himself? And is there room for someone else to join in?


We imagine a future where Ocean Church becomes a “base camp” for spiritual adventures. Here’s what that might look like: Strong roots and identity in God and his word. A set of habits which shape the way we actually live. A  library where we can borrow gear from each other; a shared adventure fund to help people start new journeys; a place where we rest, refuel, and cheer each other on after we’ve been out exploring. 


After Christmas, we’ll gather to pray and listen for what God wants us to do next. For now, take a moment to pray about this vision. Does it spark something in your heart? How might God be inviting you to respond?


Kids, this is for you too. I’ve tried really hard to write this in a way you can understand because your voice is just as important as the grown-ups’. If you’ve got a minute, I’d love for you to read this or have someone read it with you. What do you think about the idea of church being an adventure?


Here’s the thing: we want you to have a say in what Ocean Church looks like and how we do things. Maybe you have ideas for adventures, places we could explore, or things you’d like to try. As we go forward, we’re going to find ways to make sure you get to share your ideas, make decisions, and help shape this community just as much as the adults do—because this is your adventure too. Let us know what’s on your mind, because your voice matters.


We think that God is beginning to stir something. Vision isnt held by one person or by a team, its held by a community of people. As Christmas approaches why dont you find a moment to be with God and ask him where you might be on this journey?




Wrestling with God